Façade Cleaning
ThermaClean uses the latest technology to clean and restore the façades of commercial buildings, historic properties, churches & monuments on the Isle of Man.
Façade Cleaning is not just for cosmetic purposes. It is a fine balance between retaining a patina, and removing pollutants and biological growth that have left harmful deposits on bricks or stonework – allowing the substrate to breath, release moisture and salts. A sympathetic cleaning process is an excellent method of restoring a tired looking building, structure or monument back to its former glory.
Successful Removal Of Biological, Atmospheric & Environmental Soiling
The use of the Thermatech system is at the forefront of architects specifications. This is because it is deemed to give the best results by keeping damage to a minimum.
The Thermatech system is ideal for cleaning organic staining from masonry surfaces without any abrasion, reviving even the most intricate of carvings without losing any of the detail. Thermatech can superheat steam to temperatures around 150°C at very low pressures resulting in a delicate cleaning process which is approved for use on Heritage projects.
Most facades require a comprehensive assessment of the types of soiling, the type and orientation of the masonry as well as previous cleaning regimes.
ThermaClean can be engaged to produce on-site trials and reports. These are used to establish appropriate methodology, specification and exemplar panels.
Consultancy often extends to site meetings both before and during the works, to help mediate and manage the expectations of client, architect, conservation officer and contractor.