Welcome to ThermaClean
We use the specialist ThermaTech cleaning system, a industry-leading, steam based, stone and masonry cleaner able to clean to the very highest of standards without the use of chemical or high pressure, yet providing the most delicate but thorough and safest cleaning experience available.
ThermaTech systems offer:
- Globally recognised specialist technology
- World class patented technology
- Intelligent surface cleaning systems and products
Who we work with
Restoring Manx treasures for the future
Historic Building Cleaning
Restorative cleaning of Manx buildings, Historic Buildings & Facade cleaning
Historic Building Cleaning
Restorative cleaning of Manx buildings, Historic Buildings & Facade cleaning
Heritage Structure cleaning
Restorative cleaning of Manx monuments, Sculptures, Memorials and other historical structures.
Heritage Structure cleaning
Restorative cleaning of Manx monuments, Sculptures, Memorials and other historical structures.
Restorative cleaning
Specialised Super-heated steam Stone & Masonry cleaning.
Restorative cleaning
Specialised Super-heated steam Stone & Masonry cleaning.
Coatings Removal
Abrasive action using super-heated water, removing paint and more.
Coatings Removal
Abrasive action using super-heated water, removing paint and more.
Environmental benefits of ThermaTech
Our business group inc.

- On-site trials and reports
- Structural Repairs & Stabilisation
- Consultancy Services

- On site surveys & inspections
- Detailed project proposals and specs
- Detailed advice available